Even though I have things to work on like putting crown molding in the guest room, painting closet doors, installing window treatments, etc. my main focus lately has been putting more personality into my son's room.
One of his favorite books is Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree and he also loves the video CullensABCs has on YouTube. I thought it would be fun to find a way to incorporate this into his room. Because he has an alligator that was a gift from his Aunt Margie and a monkey that was a gift from my mother-in-law, I thought it would also be a great way to memorialize those special gifts for when he gets older.
First, we waited patiently for a day when the sun would come out, then took our friends to the front yard.
This is one of my favorite shots, even though I didn't end up using it. Here are the pictures I did end up using:
Here is the picture frame I used:
Here is the picture frame I used:
I still need to hang it, but I'm waiting to finish one other project for that section of the wall. I'll post a picture when I finally get it all up. I also finally placed the order for blinds for my son's room. Hopefully, my next post will include them, along with the window treatments I'm planning for my own room... or one of about 100 other projects we have planned...
i love it! its so cute. and I do know that story...remember when you were trying to explain it to me? haha brain cramp.